Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Receiving part

In the regions with the cold winters and rich in the forest, where they heated house the large part of the year, furnaces were large, with the required maturation, small of , “lying” on the logs. In some houses after the stove the enclosure made. Was placed to furnace, as a rule, from the right side from the entrance and they turned havoc by mouth either to the window or into the cottage.

In two-, three-chamber houses main dominant was “white”, receiving part of the house. Here accomodation was more spacious and brighter, with the carved benches on the walls and the large table, where entire family was gathered, guests assumed, they were occupied by needelwork. However, in the white cottage mica and glass windows for the first time appear. Special role in the interior “white” cottages was removed to furnaces. In its rich houses they decorated with tiles, ceramic tiles, which have elements of volume for the fastening and heat distributions on the back side. In the houses of more victorious than the stove simply they plastered and whitened. But also the simply plastered furnaces frequently were painted, moreover white-washing and painting of furnace were considered as the female occupation. Images frequently bore the sense of [oberegov], with the symbolism, which left pre-Christian Russia.

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