Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Methods of architecture

Siberian dwelling is characterized by the special methods of architecture. Ancient tribes, which lived in the territory of Siberia, conducted in essence a nomad and semi-nomadic way of life, and, besides yourtas, tents of reindeer skin and mud huts, other construction they did not have. Wooden [srubnye] buildings appeared in XVI century. Initially they bore the feature of the buildings, characteristic for center and north of Russia. It is only later, with the 17th Century they began to undergo change under the effect of the special features of Siberian region. Boundless scaffolding stimulated the development of the craftsmanship “of [rublenikov]”. About this testifies such fact that the jail in [g].[Tobolske] was in 1685 set in 5 days.

The evolution of northern dwelling passed according to diagram hut-mud hut- ground-based felling. Northern smoky cottage was the cage, covered with roof from the board boards, made an axe. Despite the fact that the building of similar cottages before XVII v. was achieved without the application of nails, clamps and other iron fastenings, structure they were characterized by large strength because of the application of original design components. For the northern and central strip of the zone of settling is characteristic high cottage with “the ”, under the two-slope surface or four-sloping board roofing, located perpendicularly to street. In the southern regions is extended the cottage low (without [podkleta]) under the four-sloping straw roof.

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