Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Bath

In the period of communal relations the settlements were added around one overall house, which it was easy to build, to warm and to protect. In proportion to development gradually was formed the dwelling for the individual family, beginning from the dugout construction, concluding by mansions on the high you [podklete] or by rock arched chambers.

For the majority of settlements at the beginning of their forming is characteristic dugout type dwelling. In the course of time it is possible to trace tendency “growth from the earth” of apartment building. Moreover buildings of the dugout and type of economic designation can be met today. Arrangement relative to ground level also determined natural climatic conditions. For the building they tried to use coniferous species, are thinner frequent deciduous. But oak used special honor. buildings were dug in into the earth and from above the roof fell by ground. Was heated such construction by stove- fireplaces or clay centers “on the black”. Smoke with this method of heating left through the opening in the wall or the roof ([dymar]), into the window or the door.

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