Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The technologies of building

From time immemorial century in Russia our ancestors for the building of the tsarist of mansions and small cottages selected tree. Already then the unique characteristics of this building material highly valued. House, built from the tree, not only warm, comfortable, but also ecologically clean.

Today with the building of wooden houses are used the exceptionally ecologically clean species of tree, such as pine tree, Siberian larch, cedar and all other these species of tree are durable and long-lived.By centuries Russian architects improved and worked out all new projects of wooden houses. Today there are thousands of the most diverse projects. But this does not completely mean that the search can be considered final. You can develop your own unique project of house. But our architect will create project taking into account of all your wishes and fantasies.

The technologies of the building of wooden houses today are very diverse. The technologies of the building of houses from the beam and skeleton wooden houses are most popular. However, what by itself is wooden from the beam? In what its advantage? Beam - this building material is exclusive from the coniferous species. Beam has the specific sizes, which are standardized. Beam from the log with the use of the most contemporary technologies is made.This material is immune to rotting. One additional advantage of wooden house of the beam - this is the improbably rapid assembling of house. This building material easily yields to finishing and does not require shrinkage.The building of houses from the tree - this is sufficiently complex and complex process. Therefore to entrust the erection of house it is simply necessary to professionals. Only they can qualitatively and rapidly carry out all necessary works.

The Bath

In the period of communal relations the settlements were added around one overall house, which it was easy to build, to warm and to protect. In proportion to development gradually was formed the dwelling for the individual family, beginning from the dugout construction, concluding by mansions on the high you [podklete] or by rock arched chambers.

For the majority of settlements at the beginning of their forming is characteristic dugout type dwelling. In the course of time it is possible to trace tendency “growth from the earth” of apartment building. Moreover buildings of the dugout and type of economic designation can be met today. Arrangement relative to ground level also determined natural climatic conditions. For the building they tried to use coniferous species, are thinner frequent deciduous. But oak used special honor. buildings were dug in into the earth and from above the roof fell by ground. Was heated such construction by stove- fireplaces or clay centers “on the black”. Smoke with this method of heating left through the opening in the wall or the roof ([dymar]), into the window or the door.

Ground-based building

Then appear ground-based buildings. Upper tiers appear, garrets, garrets and mezzanines are formed.The gradual decrease of age-long combatant scaffolding in the regions leads to the creation of skeleton and adobe construction. The type of furnaces is complicated.

Wide acceptance obtain Russian furnaces with the maturation. The characteristic properties of such furnaces the large furnace camera, in which baked the grain crops and prepared food, and horizontal smoke wells. In some regions in such furnaces even they washed. In the arid places furnace opening made small, only for the logs, and furnace for preparation and baking of grain crops was placed in the court, further from the buildings. For the protection of dwelling from cold of overlap they on top filled up by ground or mixture of clay and manure, what was its kind antiseptic for the wooden constructions. In the regions with the long snowy winters of house they tried to raise how above as possible above the earth. This protected felling from the excess moisture, cold, gave additional area for storing of supplies and content of cattle in the winter time.

The 18th Century

From the end of the 18th Century, after the removal of prohibition to the rock building in the rural locality, prosperous peasants and merchants in the large settlements begin to place their houses on the rock arched it [podklet]. Such buildings presented sharp contrast with the low peasant of Khatami, and also with the house- migrants from other regions. Before the main entrance are arranged the porches, sometimes with the galleries (ceremonial intricately they were decorated).

In proportion to development of construction technology are improved the construction methods of the erection of fellings. In Russia it is known more than 50 types of cuts. Most common of them - “into the paw”, “into the cup”, “into the whisker”, “the dovetail”, which today successfully are used in the wooden building. The heated on- smoky (with the aid of the flue) habitable cages are raised from the round, the purified of crust, but not polished logs. Age-long coniferous forest was in the diameter to 50 cm, with length to 18 m. such possibilities of building material introduced the wide variety into the erection of [srubnykh] buildings.

Methods of architecture

Siberian dwelling is characterized by the special methods of architecture. Ancient tribes, which lived in the territory of Siberia, conducted in essence a nomad and semi-nomadic way of life, and, besides yourtas, tents of reindeer skin and mud huts, other construction they did not have. Wooden [srubnye] buildings appeared in XVI century. Initially they bore the feature of the buildings, characteristic for center and north of Russia. It is only later, with the 17th Century they began to undergo change under the effect of the special features of Siberian region. Boundless scaffolding stimulated the development of the craftsmanship “of [rublenikov]”. About this testifies such fact that the jail in [g].[Tobolske] was in 1685 set in 5 days.

The evolution of northern dwelling passed according to diagram hut-mud hut- ground-based felling. Northern smoky cottage was the cage, covered with roof from the board boards, made an axe. Despite the fact that the building of similar cottages before XVII v. was achieved without the application of nails, clamps and other iron fastenings, structure they were characterized by large strength because of the application of original design components. For the northern and central strip of the zone of settling is characteristic high cottage with “the ”, under the two-slope surface or four-sloping board roofing, located perpendicularly to street. In the southern regions is extended the cottage low (without [podkleta]) under the four-sloping straw roof.

Type of buildings

For the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine are characteristic both the general construction methods, by roots outgoing in the tradition of ancient Russia and their original features. To them can be attributed the uniformity of the internal solution, expressed in the position of furnace in the distant angle and by diagonal mouth, the simultaneous combination of the [srubnoy] and skeleton technique of the erection of dwelling, are characteristic the hut- huts with the four-sloping straw roof.

By the simplest type of buildings and most common is four-wall. For the addition of the court either economic accomodations sometimes were done the releases of logs, to which were attached (they [prirubalis]) courts or economic buildings. Frequently four-wall fellings were placed with a number, forming more complex buildings. Complicated type of fellings - five-wall - most common in the center section of Russia. This cottage is the rectangular in the plan felling, divided by transverse wall into two parts, large - habitable, with the furnace and well illuminated, and smaller - canopy (bridge), that connects dwelling with the economic part. Sometimes canopy separately they [prirubalis], then they made both parts habitable.

The more complex

The more complex type of cottage - six-wall (cross). This type is composed of the felling, divided by two walls in the different directions, forming four independent accomodations. The plan of the construction of apartment building, as a rule, is square (four-horse team) or is rectangular. All porches and entrances from the street, as a rule, were arranged in [prirubakh].

To the forming of dwelling the influence and the functional designation of dwelling also render. Here the transformation of accomodations occurred independent of climatic zone. The main thing was nevertheless abundance, traditions and composition of family. Frequently the quantity of cages changed. Sometimes they united old and new fellings under one roof, attached economic accomodations. Next to the decrepit cottage, which became obsolete, they attached new house. They investigated old, and at its place raised or divided off vegetable-garden. If the attached cage was more spacious, here was arranged “white”, receiving half of house with the beautiful porch. In the old part frequently in winter they contained cattle. Separation into “white” and “black” parts of the house was conducted also according to the principle of the functioning of furnace. As the here “black” was considered accomodation, as a rule, small, where the furnace opening of furnace left. In the large houses, in particular, master estates, into such accomodations they turned several furnaces, which could warm immediately two or three accomodations.